The Bad, the Ugly, the Heartbreak

Khushi Anand
4 min readSep 8, 2024
Photo by Aline de Nadai on Unplash

We find people and we lose them.

Those of us who end up living happily ever after after their first romantic fairytale are few and lucky. Those of us who find love and lose it are left with a hole that’s hard to fill.

Sometimes the relationship turns ugly while you’re in it. Sometimes it becomes ugly after. I haven’t heard of one that remains beautiful after it breaks. But I hope it exists.

The phases we go through after a breakup and numerous and unending. At least that’s what it feels like right now. That this will never end. That a good day will always be followed by a bad one instead.

Of course life is full of heartbreak and problems, but when your heart has to suffer through the same pain in different shades of the same colour, it starts to wonder how long it can endure it.

Some days I wake up asking for blue and green days, yellow and brown ones, grey and other monotonous shades. But the sky has been red ever since we ended. Sometimes it’s pretty like a sunset, other times it’s as harsh as blood.

We promised to stay friends. We promised we’d always care for each other. We promised to be kind. But the red splashed on me doesn’t feel like a fun wine splash anymore, it feels more like a balloon of delusion that’s popped and left scars over my whole body.



Khushi Anand

Sharing everything I learn on my personal growth journey. Come along for some self-improvement, life lessons, spirituality and personal growth.