7 Quick and Easy Weekend Habits to Boost Your Energy Levels

Don’t underestimate the power of a Sunday well spent

Khushi Anand
5 min readApr 6, 2023
Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash

By the time Friday comes around, we’re often running low on energy and need a little recharge but there are a thousand options for what to do with our free time.

The variety leads to decision freeze and we just end up going with the first plan offered or spend the weekend stuck to Netflix only to hit our heads on the wall wondering how Monday came so soon.

Think of yourself as a vessel of energy. Some activities will fill you up, others will drain you.

I’m someone who runs out of energy pretty fast so I found some ways to replenish myself better through the week.

Here’s what I do every Sunday to fill my energy vessel, try these out for yourself and see if they help you too.

Snooze that alarm

No matter how much you try to prioritise sleep, it’s easy to lose some throughout the week.

I usually wake up at 5 am every morning, but on Sundays I allow myself to snuggle in bed till 7. Research says we should go to bed and wake up at the same time every day but I love my extra two hours on a Sunday.

If you want to stay in bed a lil longer on the weekend, I’d say go for it:)

It certainly helps me feel better.

Spend the morning alone

As an introvert, alone time gives me a certain peace that social gatherings can’t.

So I make an effort to spend my Sunday mornings alone just by myself.

That means, no phone calls, texting or checking my notifications.

This can be tough through the week because of work obligations so you must try it this weekend. As soon as you wake up, throw your phone in a drawer and don’t look at it for the next 3 hours.

To be alone with your thoughts can feel surprisingly pleasant.

Stretch away

Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

This one’s my favourite.

My body tends to get extremely tense because of weightlifting and a constant tendency to stress.

Trauma and stress are stored in our bodies physically. You’ll feel relationship problems in your neck, the stress in your shoulders and fear in your stomach.

Stretching is a great way to release these emotions. I do a 15-minute Chloe Ting stretch every Sunday morning to relax my muscles and release pent-up emotions.

Try it for yourself or find another option to your liking and see how amazing it feels.

Journal from the future

I recently tried this out for the first time and let me tell you, it feels crazy inspirational.

Put a future date at the top of your page. I put it a month ahead of now, and write away.

Write in extreme detail what you want to happen by then, how you want to be feeling, what your life looks like etc.

Tip: Describe some events you’d like to happen and make sure you write them in the present tense.

For example, let’s say you want to gain 100 new followers on Medium.

Write: I gained x new followers on Medium this month. It was amazing, I got to interact with new writers and made some great friends and mentors as well. I feel like everything’s finally adding up. Excited to grow more and learn.

Tap into the details and feelings as much as you can.

It helps set the mood for where you want to be and acts as a guiding anchor in your present.

Bore yourself to tears

We’re constantly chasing after new goals, on to the next project and hustling to get somewhere.

Use the weekend to take some time to slow down.

Play your favourite music, do some laundry, cook your favourite meal, go for a walk.

This is where the gold mine is hidden.

Do it for yourself and reap the benefits.

Bore yourself to tears by engaging in mundane activities, and see how hard the inspiration strikes.

There’s a reason we have our best ideas stuck in traffic or in the shower. Try this and discover the magic for yourself.

Spend your evenings with loved ones

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

You’ve had your fun alone time, it’s time to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Human connection is one of the most important needs we have and we’re so often deprived of it. It can make or break us.

Remember, you can’t meaningfully connect with someone over gossip and hate.

Take some time out to spend your evening with a close friend, family or your partner. Engage in meaningful conversation and truly try to connect with them.

Bonus: Lots of hugs and genuine compliments are the best way to go.

Get to bed early

I get it, you want the weekend to last as long as it can.

Leave that for your Saturdays if you must please.

You want to wake up Monday morning energised and ready to go.

Remember the analogy of you being a vessel of energy.

You’ve filled yourself up 70% by now. Restore your energy levels to the fullest by getting a good night’s sleep.

There you go, that’s my perfect weekend. Try some of these this Sunday and let me know how it goes?

  • Snooze that alarm
  • Spend the morning alone
  • Stretch away
  • Journal from the future
  • Bore yourself to tears
  • Spend your evenings with loved ones
  • Get to bed early

Have some tips of your own? Drop them in the comments for me and I’d love to try them out:)



Khushi Anand

Sharing everything I learn on my personal growth journey. Come along for some self-improvement, life lessons, spirituality and personal growth.